Cultivating an awakened world that transforms suffering into compassion and delusion into wisdom

Upcoming Programs

Oct. 12–Nov. 2
Saturdays, 1:00–3:00 PM

Inner Disarmament

The Art of Nonviolent Communication

In a world of conflict and misunderstanding how can we find peace within and create harmony without? The answer lies in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a proven approach to building trust, resolving conflicts, and fostering collaboration.

Nov 9 – 30, 2024
Saturdays, 10:00–11:30 AM
Online Only

Foundations of Mindfulness

Discover Inner Peace

In just four weeks, transform your relationship with stress, anxiety, and life’s challenges through our time-tested Zen mindfulness practices. Join us at the Zen Life & Meditation Center, where for over 10 years we’ve guided thousands to find clarity and calm in the heart of Chicago.

Key Offerings

Sunday Morning Zen

Join us and discover the joy of a warm-hearted community. Participate in Zen Buddhist services, group meditation, and inspiring dharma talks each morning. The program concludes with a fellowship hour in the community room with snacks and tea. The program is hybrid. Learn more.


ZLMC offers many meditation retreats each year ranging from one day to three days and seven days. Retreats can be attended online or in person. Learn more.

Classes & Workshops

ZLMC offers a wide diversity of classes and workshops focusing on mindfulness, meditation, zen and Buddhism. Learn more.

Zen Training

Become a Zen student and study one-on-one with a fully empowered Zen Master and Priest. Learn more.

Our Mission

To empower you to live a Zen-inspired life of openness, empathy and clarity.

Get in touch

Become a member

There are different ways to become a member. Join today and help us fulfill our mission, and let us support your practice.

Meet our Abbot, Roshi Robert Althouse

Schedule a 30-minute online interview with Roshi to learn more about ZLMC and Zen practice.