Four Seasons Capital Campaign

As we embrace the arrival of spring and the spirit of renewal, we are thrilled to announce the kickoff of our Four Seasons Capital Campaign. Our goal is to raise $45,000 to enhance our facility and address critical infrastructure needs. The heartwarming news is that our dedicated board members and dear friends have already contributed an incredible 60% towards our target! Their generosity has set a strong foundation for success.

Now we are turning to you, our valued community, to join hands in achieving the remaining $18,500 needed to meet our campaign goal.

Your support will play a vital role in ensuring the continued comfort and ssafety of our space. The funds raised will primarily go towards the upgrade and replacement of our aging furnace, boiler, and air conditioners.

Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact. Together, we can create a lasting impact and ensure that our space remains a welcoming and functional home for all.

Please consider giving a gift today to help us reach our goal by going here:


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